Remote work, shopping in online stores, distance learning – the virtual and real worlds are increasingly intertwined. Not surprisingly, psychologists have also taken advantage of the opportunity to receive their clients online. Some people use regular instant messengers or video chats. Large psychological support centers turn to specialized companies such as to create a full-fledged application.
Advantages of remote consultations with a psychologist
Not everyone is suitable for online communication. It is difficult to communicate not only with a specialist, but also with a teacher, boss, or even a loved one, without direct contact. There are fewer and fewer such people, because the world is changing, and we need to adapt to this. Therefore, the benefits of online consultations need to be described in more detail.
Wide selection of specialists
The online mode allows you to contact the psychologist who suits you best. All you need for a consultation is a stable Internet connection, a laptop, phone or tablet, and a high-quality headset.
There is no need to travel across the city or wait for an appointment window. But time is not the only resource that can be saved. Often services that a specialist provides outside the office are cheaper.
Often, in difficult situations, the help of a psychologist is urgently needed, especially in our stressful times. The ability to text or even make an audio or video call can be invaluable. But this needs to be agreed upon in advance. Family consultations, especially if for one reason or another the couple is in different places, are also conducted in this format.
For many, communication with a psychologist is not easy, and unfamiliar conditions and surroundings “close” a person even more. At home, where everything is familiar, there is always a feeling of security.
It would seem that everything is fine and wonderful, so why do offline appointments with psychologists still exist?
Limitations of Online Therapy
There are not many of them, but they exist, and in some cases the disadvantages of remote communication with a specialist become an insurmountable obstacle:
- in some therapeutic cases, effective therapy is impossible without full physical and visual contact;
- technical problems – from the lack of Internet to the client’s inability to use modern gadgets and headsets;
- there is no convenient place for consultation – if the patient does not have the opportunity to be alone even at home, then the psychologist’s office is the only place for consultation.
- problems with payment – most often they arise when the specialist and the client are in different countries, use different currencies and payment systems.
As we can see, most of the shortcomings are not critical or insurmountable. For some people who have problems visiting crowded places after the pandemic and quarantine, remote consultations are the only opportunity to return their lives to normal. Therefore, if you are choosing between contacting a psychologist online or not contacting a specialist at all, you should definitely choose the first option.
Sebastian is an accomplished author with a passion for storytelling. His works span various genres, from thrilling mysteries to heartfelt romance novels. With a keen eye for detail and a knack for character development, Sebastian weaves engaging narratives that captivate readers and transport them to new worlds.